Call charges

0800 numbers

Calls to 0800 numbers are free from British Telecom (BT) landlines. You may have to pay if you use another phone company or a mobile phone, or if you are calling from abroad. Calls from mobile phones can cost up to 40p a minute, so check the cost with your service provider.

0845 numbers

Calls to 0845 numbers from BT landlines should cost no more than 4p a minute plus a 3p charge for connecting the call. You may have to pay more if you use another phone company or a mobile phone, or if you are calling from abroad. Calls from mobile phones can cost up to 40p a minute, so check the cost with your service provider.

0870 numbers

Calls to 0870 numbers from BT landlines should cost no more than 8p per minute plus a 3p charge for connecting the call. You may have to pay more if you use another phone company or a mobile phone, or if you are calling from abroad.

If you prefer, you can ask us to call you back. Call the number you need, tell our adviser that this is what you want them to do and give them your phone number.


Textphone numbers are for people who find it hard to speak or hear clearly. You will need a textphone telephone to use them.

If you do not have a textphone, you may be able to use one at your local public library or Citizens Advice Bureau. Textphone numbers do not receive text messages from mobile phones.

Find your local public library on the Directgov website

Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau on the Citizens Advice website